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The Abalone Mapping Project

Below the locality data for Haliotis fatui

is shown. Entries in red are new ones not published in Geiger (2000), entries in green are from the Australian Museum Sydney. First the specimen records are given, sorted by country/larger area in a general North-South and East-West organization. Below the specimen and range data from the literature are given. All specimens from DLG collection now in SBMNH.
The notation the locality data is as follows: (Collection-Acronyms Collection-Number: number-of-specimens). The term "complete" indicates preserved animals.


Important Note: The spelling of the type locality should read "Maug Island", and not "Mang Island" as listed in the original description (Geiger, 1999). I acknowledge Allan Kabat and G. Vermeji, who kindly pointed out this mistake. It is based on an frequent mistranscription of the letter 'u' as an 'n' from Rheder's handwritten lables to the USNM type written labels.

PHILIPPINES: Marinduque Is (AMS C.139450, 1). Samar (EJFC, 2).

NEW GUINEA: Duke of York Is, off New Britain (AMS C.068184, 1; STC 1597). NEW GUINEA, New Ireland, Kavieng (AMS C.384723, 1). New Ireland, Mongop, via Kavieng (AMS C.384724, 2).

INDONESIA, WEST IRIAN: Radja Ampat Group (AMS C.091790, 6).

SOLOMONS: Santa Ana Island (AMNH 81878, 1; AMNH 81899, 1). Guadalcanar, Marau Sound (RP: 11). Malaita, Fauabu (BMSM 2029, 1).

NEW BRITAIN: Kumbun Island (ANSP 284325, 1),

VANUATU: ( MHNG 21226, 1).

TONGA: (USNM unnumbered, 1). NE side of Tofua Island, Ha'apai Group (USNM 702975, 7). Reef off Tofua Island (USNM 702512, 9). Vavau (USNM unnumbered [ex. San Diego Society of Natural History No. 32719], 2)

VANUATU: Port Vila area, Efate Is (AMS C.402449, 5).

MARIANAS: Maug Island (USNM 486708, 1: complete, holotype). Agrigan Island (USNM 487953, 1).